
Brush Stroke

Brush Stroke

Daily Prompt: The Power of Touch

Textures are everywhere: The rough edges of a stone wall. The smooth innocence of a baby’s cheek. The sense of touch brings back memories for us. What texture is particularly evocative to you?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TEXTURE.

Our home is filled with my artwork! The paintings hold precious memories for me. Those memories are bitter-sweet as I can no longer paint due to Fibromyalgia.

This photo is from a small section of an oil-on-board that I painted many years ago and still has great tactile appeal. I often find myself running my hand across the painting as I walk past it.

13 comments on “Brush Stroke

  1. Pingback: The Power of Touch | A mom's blog

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: The Power of Touch | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  3. I’m so sad that you can no longer paint….that’s heartbreaking to have a gift and be unable to use it. But I’m so glad you found photography, and that you now paint with light….but it doesn’t have the tactile textures of painting. Bitter sweet indeed.

  4. Pingback: The Power of Touch | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  5. Pingback: Hold me closer, Tony Danza | Manresa, Maine

  6. Pingback: As smooth as a baby’s butt | I am Lynn

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