
Light As A Feather

Light As A Feather

Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light!

What could be a better challenge for a Painter of Light!

Because I love it so much I shall try to bring you a Light Source Challenge photo every day this week.

As I’m still unwell and stuck indoors, I thought I’d start by using a lightbox to illuminate a subject that is often associated with the word light.

I’ve gone for green and gold colours to congratulate Australia on winning the Rugby League World Cup today!


Lap Cats

Lap Cats

It’s hard to photograph the girls when they’re both sitting on my lap 😉

Luna likes to sit up on a chair when she’s not on my lap. It has a comfy base and she’s at the right height to see what we’re all doing!

Juno likes to sit somewhere totally inconvenient! Right now she’s sitting on me feet. Earlier she was on her second favourite lap, Simon’s laptop!



Golden Frog

Golden Frog

I went to see my friend Helen today and got to meet their unusual pets. Well, more of a glimpse actually. Yes, it’s real and really tiny!

Good thing this little frog is bright yellow or I would never have spotted it. This is the smaller, male Golden Poison Frog.

They also have Bumblebee Frogs, or Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frogs, which I absolutely LOVE but they didn’t love the camera and there was lots of condensation on the glass!


Crazy Chrysanths

Crazy Chrysanths

Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

There are several unexpected things about today’s post!

Firstly, it was an unexpected outing to RHS Wisley Gardens today as the Chrysanthemum exhibition will be closing tomorrow, a week earlier than had been expected. This was because the flowers had all bloomed early!

Secondly, I think the beauty and variety of these flowers may be a little unexpected to some of my followers.

Thirdly, I was treated to an unexpected exhibition of artwork by Keika Hasegawa. The images are all from wood-cut prints in the book One Hundred Chrysanthemums published by the artist in 1891.


The Cats’ Whiskers

The Cats' Whiskers

Juno is wonderful company but completely impossible when you’re trying to get any work done at all! I shall post this as quick as I can before she decides to leap on my laptop again.

She’s currently being thoroughly distracted by Simon attempting to play pin-ball on his laptop. Yes, that’s right, she’s trying to catch the “ball”!


All That Glitters

All That Glitters

After such lovely feedback from yesterday’s post I thought I’d treat you all to a golden bokeh to say thanks 🙂

My local gift shop has been re-branded as Apples & Pears and is an absolute treasure trove of shiny, pretty things! They are kind enough to let me photograph some of their gifts from time to time.

I really enjoy finding little, abstract gems in the details of ornaments. Hope you like them too!