
ShareMondays2020 – In Safe Hands

A Safe Pair Of Hands

ShareMondays2020 – In Safe Hands

My favourite image of the week is my nephew, Finley, playing at hand-clapping with my mum. I’m not allowed cuddles yet as a shielded person, but to be able to get together in the garden, as a family, was wonderful. Seeing my parents being able to rekindle this special bond with their grandson was so very precious!


Happiness Is A Pink Balloon

Happiness Is A Pink Balloon

Happiness Is A Pink Balloon

Well, it’s been a truly crazy weekend! It’s always a bit crazy this time of year as we celebrate, first, my sister’s and then both my parent’s birthdays. This year my sister has reached the big four-zero and it’s an even more impressive seventy for my dad! Naturally, we organised a BIG party with family and friends coming, not just from all over the UK but also, from France and Australia. It was a great gathering with possibly the best buffet ever, definitely the best cakes ever (made by Sarah Jane from Flossy Cockles), a number of the very best musicians (from the Famous Five Band) you could hope to gather in one room, and a fantastic group of people to enjoy it all. One important thing was missing though. Dad. Yes, the birthday boy missed his own party! He was greatly missed by all of us there too. A nasty bug and adverse reaction to antibiotics forced our amazing dad to remain at home. It was really hard for us to celebrate without him! He’s the life, soul and comic relief of most gatherings, so we really owed it to him to celebrate in style. Not only that, we still had my sister and lovely mum to toast to! It was great to catch up with so many family members and friends that I hadn’t seen for ages. A few of my cousins brought their kids along and I loved watching them all play together! As always, the best toys to be found were balloons. Such a simple thing, but a child’s delight at knocking a balloon around is a timeless joy that always sucks in a few adults too! My Fotospeed challenge entry is this photo of my cousin’s little girl, Eva, having a wonderful time with one of the large, pink balloons. I think she hugged a few of them too tight and we had a several go bang, it’s all part of the fun though! Eva is the middle of three gorgeous girls and she’s a real pickle. Reminds me so much of my sister at that age! I just love the glint in her eyes and her cheeky smile. I think my dad will enjoy seeing my photos of all the kids playing! Thankfully he seems to be past the worst of it now. Rest, recovery and eventually we’ll be able to have a celebratory toast to his renewed health! Get well soon dad and Birthday Wishes to you and mum xxx


Singing In The Rain


Singing In The Rain

The rain didn’t dampen our spirits at Phoenix Rising, our free community music festival, in Woking Park yesterday! Young Jessica’s face has such a sunny disposition that says everything about the spirit of the Phoenix Cultural Centre and all the brilliant people involved in organising, performing, volunteering and promoting the project. Jessica was at the side of the bandstand watching her mum, the talented Anna Neale, perform to everyone sheltering under trees and brollies in the park. I love her expression of happiness here and felt that this would make a good image to share for Fotospeed’s weekly photo challenge! I hope she makes everyone smile 🙂


Professionally Cute

Professionally Cute!

Professionally Cute

Easter Holidays mean I get to spend more time with my grandsons! Matthew is three and does cute professionally 😉 We were at a local park enjoying the warm Spring weather and I asked him if he’d grown too big to fit through the log holes. Almost! They really do grow so quickly. Callum, who’s six, tried to fit in one too, but I didn’t get a photo of him for two reasons; one, I couldn’t see his face; two, I was laughing too much! Had such a lovely time with them I decided that this would be my entry for Wex Mondays this week. It just expresses all the joy I feel getting to spend time with the kids, watching them play and laugh. And no, you can’t have Matthew! He’s ours 😀


Weekly Photo Challenge: Trio – Celebrating Sam

Celebrating Sam

Weekly Photo Challenge: Trio – Celebrating Sam

Today marks the thirtieth anniversary of Sam’s birth. She continues to brighten the world and the lives of her family and friends with her beauty, both inside and out; her strength of will; consideration and empathy; love and understanding. Thank you for being a part of our lives! Much love from your Wicked Step Step Mother 😉


Weekly Photo Challenge: Treat


Weekly Photo Challenge: Treat

I had such a treat this last week as it was Half-term Holidays and I managed to get six of my favourite little people all together for a fun filled day at RHS Wisley Gardens! They navigated the straw maze brilliantly to discover this huge pile of harvest goodies, including some giant pumpkins, in the centre. Matthew, the youngest at 2yrs old, held my wheelchair arm as we went through, pointing at which direction he thought we should go. He got most of it right too! James and Zach cheated by crawling through a hole in the straw, Callum and Mylie must have done the maze half a dozen times when we finally found the pumpkins. Rosie, my goddaughter and the eldest at 10yrs old, was a real star and stayed with me to help keep an eye on Matthew 🙂 It gave us a chance to have a good natter too. These little people mean the world to me! Well, Rosie’s not really so little anymore as she’s now taller than me! I have never been well enough, from my Crohn’s and Fibromyalgia, to have children of my own. I love spending time with the kids, especially when I can share my passion and knowledge of the natural world to inspire them while having fun outdoors. Happy Halloween to my precious munchkins and thank you for enriching my life so much 🙂