
One Four Challenge: November Week 4

One Four Ways - November Week 4

One Four Challenge: November Week 4

For my final edit of November’s One Four Challenge I’ve gone all nostalgic with Nik Silver Efex Pro. I processed my image using the Antique Plate II preset before making some selective adjustments to structure, contrast and brightness. I selected an Agfa 400 film type and increased the grain-per-pixel, then toned the image with a light Ambrotype and added a vintage border. Seed-heads always make me feel nostalgic for childhood days, blowing dandelion clocks in late summer 🙂 Thank you Robyn Gosby at Captivate Me for organising this challenge. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s photo choices for December!

Here’s my gallery and a poll if you would like to choose a favourite.

41 comments on “One Four Challenge: November Week 4

  1. Sarah, I enjoyed seeing the transition from first photo to last, but I really liked your final version. The story of childhood days is reflected beautifully in your post-processing choices. Well done!

  2. I missed your entry in the previous weeks challenge, but I love what you have done with this last version, it suits the subject perfectly and is a wonderful evocative treatment. Great job!

  3. Sarah, I love them all and find it hard to choose only one.
    However, if I was viewing these on a wall, I know Id be drawn to number 4 first 😀
    It has been a very fun challenge – also looking forward to December!!

    • Thank you 🙂 It seems most people like my favourite! I think maybe it’s the most seasonal. I’m going to go all out for December! This was all about simplicity so I think I should up my game a bit 🙂 It’s a great challenge.

    • That’s one of the great things about this challenge, it really shows that art is very subjective and equally versatile! I really like Silver Efex but I always customise the presets, trying out different film types etc along the way 🙂

      • Oh yes, its all very subjective – and if blogging has taught me one thing its that we are all different in our likes / dislikes etc etc! Re Silver Efex, I do just the same – choose a preset that looks promising and then customise it – the end result often looks nothing like the preset! But I rarely use film types, and I don’t think I’ve ever used a preset without further manipulation. A 🙂

  4. Hi Sarah, for some reason I missed your previous entries. Your processing is beautiful and I found it hard to select a favourite. In the end I picked Week 1 for its freshness of background colours.

    • My fault! I misspelt my Tag! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting 🙂 The bright, fresh feel to week 1 certainly made me feel good! So interesting to see what people like and why. I’m looking forward to our next challenge now 🙂

  5. I just love Nik’s collection. Such great filters for sure Sarah! Stunning effects and shots! I really can’t choose a favourite. They are all so gorgeous. 😀 ♥

  6. I’m glad I finally found what program you’re using for your terrific post processing work. Nik doesn’t work as a standalone, unfortunately. I still haven’t made the decision to sign up for the Lightroom/PS Cloud since my laptop has a lousy graphics card with minimal processing space. Oh well, what would life be if I duplicated your style anyway, lol. Keep up the great work! 🙂

    • I love the Nik Software but I mostly rely on Lightroom. This month I’m going all abstract with Photoshop 🙂 I’ve got a 64bit dual core memory with 6gb RAM and 1tb hard drive and I’m beginning to really struggle for speed! If you can upgrade your laptop I’d highly recommend PS CC with Lightroom. There are so many great pluggins, presets and actions 🙂

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