
Wordless Wednesday: Lighthouse of London

BT Tower London from Goodge Street

Wordless Wednesday: Lighthouse of London


Weekly Photo Challenge: On The Move – 3

Weekly Photo Challenge: On The Move
A gallery taken with my phone whilst on the move by tube this evening. Our destination, The Royal Albert Hall to see the wonderful Tori Amos in concert 🙂











Blue Monday: A Fine Display

Blue Monday: A Fine Display

Blue Monday: A Fine Display

Today I visited Northbrook Park Wedding Venue with Bobby and Alana, just one month before their big day. I’m really looking forward to photographing their wedding, a truly lovely couple and a simply beautiful venue!

Northbrook Park

If ever there could have been a good omen for their upcoming nuptials, it was this; the sight of one of the venues’ resplendent peacocks displaying his full glory for us in the Walled Garden, where I will be doing most of the group photographs!

Thank you Bobby and Alana for asking me to be your wedding photographer! The lead-up has been a delightful experience and I just know that your special day will be as glorious as this faultless, feathered flourish 🙂

Bobby and Alana at RHS Wisley Gardens


Weekly Photo Challenge AND Travel Theme: Street Life & Statues

Weekly Photo Challenge AND Travel Theme: Street Life & Statues

Weekly Photo Challenge AND Travel Theme: Street Life & Statues

Some of the best street life and statues of London can be found in Camden Lock and The Stables Market. Camden is loud and proud so to reflect its image I’ve given my selection of photos an edgy HDR effect. Enjoy 🙂


Travel Theme: Ancient

Newark Priory

Travel Theme: Ancient

For those of you who followed me last year on my 365 photographic journey, you may recognise this image. It was my page header for the year. To my new followers, welcome and thank you for your interest in my work!

I took this photo in the winter of 2012 when we had a fantastic hoar-frost that transformed the landscape into a crystalline wonderland! This winter has been devastatingly wet and much of the land around the ruins and along the River Wey at Papercourt has been badly flooded. The road still remains closed!

The ruins are that of Newark Priory which stands as a monument to the Dissolution under Henry VIII, when the crown seized the land and property of the catholic church and destroyed many of the buildings.

Newark actually stands on private farmland, despite its listed status, and can’t be accessed by the public. This is about as close as I can get to these historic remains, on the road between Pyrford and Ripley. I really wish I could explore more of this ancient site!


Travel theme: Illuminated

Travel theme: Illuminated

Travel theme: Illuminated

Now that I’m not fixed into creating a new photograph to post every day, I thought it would be nice to join in with some of the other challenges hosted by fellow bloggers.

I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone’s posts for Ailsa’s Travel Theme. I hope I can entertain you all with some submissions of my own! This week’s photo was taken in Manchester over the Christmas period. We were only there for the day visiting my friend, Rachel, and her family but we had a bit of time to see the city illuminated after dusk.

Primark is a retailer of extremely affordable items (that’s my generous description!). I rather like the irony of such a shop being set in this grand and elegantly lit building. Originally built in 1877 for Lewis’ department store, this is Victorian architecture at its best! Whatever I may think of their produce, I must say that the owners of Primark have done us a great service in restoring such a wonderful piece of Manchester’s historic City Centre.